Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Katty Perry - Part Of Me

 Ini lagu terbaru katty perry. have fun ya, dengan lagu ini ! Check this Out !

Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade away
Cause you chew me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth
You took my light, you drain me down
That was then and this is now

This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me
Throwing sticks and stones
At my mind and bones
You're not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me

I just want to throw my phone away
I know who is really there for me
You rip me off your love is cheap
Was always tearing at the seams
I fell deep and you look me down
But that was then and this is now

Now look at me I'm sparkling
I'm a firework that doesn't fade
You'll never put me out again
I'm glowin' oh ah oh
You can keep the dog from me
I never liked him anyway
In fact you can keep everything yeah yeah
Except for me

Nasi Goreng Bucat !!

masa ya, aku buat nasi goreng, yaitu nasi, dicampur telor, lada hitam, garam, royco sapi, saus tiram, kecap daaaan,,, TAUCOO !! apa banget yaaa ?
aku gak nahan tawa, setelah ngedenger dari bibi (pembantu yang lmayan baik sama gua ) kalo nasi itu belum mateng sempurna,BUAHAHAHA !! tawa gua meledak bagaikan bom atom meledak di hiroshima ( kok nyambung kesitu ? ) kemudian udah aku makan 2 sendok. Siang itu gua dan bibi gua ketawa,mulu. Tapi lamaan gua dari pada Bibi gua -__-. sekali lagi, hahahaha  : D

Beda Muka Beda Nasib

apa maksudnya ya? aku (ganti bahasa ah,, ) buka facebook, mau nge-cek, pemberitahuan sama fans aku ?(yang nge add aku pastinya ;) ) ada berapa . eh, ada status seperti ini,

Gosok Disini :

Cara menggosok kupon Hadiah :
1. Tulis @+[257873900954167:]
2. Hapus tanda (+)
3. Tekan enter

Beda muka beda nasib^^. Ada hadiah di balik tulisan. Silahkan dicoba :)
kira kira maksudnya itu apa ya? mau tau apa isi dibalik nya ? yaitu : COBA LAGI .
lu kira ini mainan apa? kirain aku apa,gitu. taunya, apacoba ? -___-
gua gak bakal ketipu lu lagi !! kerjaannya ngerjain mulu sih, biasa, gak pernah belajar adab yaa ><

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Try Something New

What was wrong if we try to do good, to say the meek, doing what God says, polite, courteous, and others. If we start now, it's not going to be a very heavy burden, since we were little, we still have a very wide world to understand. Someday, we will study mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, history, language, vocal, and art.
God has always advised us, if we do something wrong, or something that we do is different from the teachings that he taught us. So, we still pick a lot of time to learn, helping each other, know each other, and make friends with anyone.
For that, use this time was as good with her ​​so she will not leave you. If she left you, get ready, he probably will not pick up or will you leave you, alone ..